How Porcelain Veneers Can Rejuvenate Your Look

Do you want a brighter smile? Well, you're in luck! Dr. Steven Erlandson of Grand Forks, ND, provides patients with several cosmetic dentistry options, one of which is porcelain veneers.

Sounds great, right? But what are veneers?

Veneers are a cosmetic procedure that improves the color, shape, and alignment of your smile. Veneers are a thin covering adhered to the surface of natural teeth. They're made of super-strong porcelain that imitates tooth enamel to protect teeth. When bonded to natural teeth, veneers look natural and create a new beautiful surface.

How Porcelain Veneers Can Rejuvenate Your Look

The porcelain used is translucent and tough but doesn't stain like tooth enamel, which brings us to one of the may advantages of veneers. Veneers hide stains and discoloration caused by eating certain foods, drinking too much coffee, and/or chewing tobacco, among other lifestyle choices. This instantly improves the color of your teeth and beautifies your smile.

Veneers also improve the size and shape of teeth impacted by poor habits like teeth grinding. Your Grand Forks dentist can customize the shape of your veneers, making them flatter, rounder, or squarer. Veneers also eliminate minor alignment and spacing issues, like closing small gaps and slight corrections in alignment.

Porcelain Veneers Procedure

  1. Your dentist must first perform an exam, even if veneers fall under cosmetic dentistry. This gives him a chance to check for underlying issues and resolve them.
  2. A model of your teeth is then created. This helps you visualize what you'd look like with veneers.
  3. Next, a small amount of enamel is removed from the surface of teeth to prevent protrusion of teeth when veneers are adhered.
  4. Finally, the permanent veneers are cemented onto your teeth.

Want a consultation?

Cosmetic dentistry is a great way to improve a person's smile and self-esteem. If you'd like to learn more about how Dr. Steven Erlandson of Grand Forks, ND, can help, just give him a call at (701) 772-6581 today!