Signs You May Need a Root Canal

Do you have ongoing tooth pain? Maybe you're experiencing severe, lingering tooth sensitivity to hot or cold food and drink. Have you Root_Canalbeen avoiding chewing on one side of your mouth because it hurts to bite down? These and other signs could indicate that you need a root canal to save a dying tooth.

If you are having tooth pain similar to that described above, your family dentist, Dr. Steven Erlandson, can be your root canal expert in Grand Forks, ND.


Root canal symptoms

A root canal is a procedure that treats pain and removes dead tooth nerves to preserve your natural tooth. Common root canal symptoms include:

  • Sharp pain when biting down on food. This can be caused by tooth decay, a cracked tooth, a filling, or damage to tooth pulp.
  • Aching that lingers for 30 seconds or more after eating hot or cold foods. This symptom indicates irreversible damage to your tooth pulp.
  • Shooting pains in the tooth or gums that are bad enough to wake you up at night. This is a symptom of a tooth infection, or a dying tooth root.
  • Constant pain in the tooth or gums. This indicates an abscessed tooth.

Each of these symptoms suggests that the pulp inside your tooth is dead or dying, and may even have an infection. The infection is referred to as an abscessed tooth, which can usually be saved with root canal therapy.

When you experience these warning signs, it is important to seek dental care as soon as possible. If you wait to get help from a dental professional, you limit the chance that your natural tooth can be saved.

Root canal therapy allows your family dentist in Grand Forks, ND, to keep the structure of your real tooth, while eliminating the source of your pain.


Interested? Give us a call!

If you are experiencing some or all of the symptoms mentioned above, it may be time for an appointment. Call your family dentist today at (701) 772-6581 to schedule a root canal consultation in the Grand Forks, ND, area.