What Are the Benefits of Dental Implants?

Dental implants are an exciting state-of-the-art solution to tooth loss. Not only do they restore your smile, dental implants also restore the ability to bite and chew a variety of foods. The benefits of dental implants are numerous and they are the most secure way to replace missing teeth. Dr. Steven Erlandson can restore beauty and function to your smile with dental implants at our office in Grand Forks, ND.

What are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are small posts made from titanium, a hypoallergenic metal that naturally bonds with bone tissue. Dental implants are inserted directly into the jawbone and function similarly to the roots of teeth. They can be used to anchor crowns, bridges and implant-supported dentures. Since dental implants are placed in the bone and permanently bond with it, they are the most secure tooth-replacement method available today. Crowns, bridgework or dentures secured by dental implants will not shift out of place.

Candidates for Dental Implants

While dental implants are quickly becoming a popular option for restoring smiles affected by tooth loss, they are not suitable for everyone. To be a candidate for this tooth-replacement method, you must have enough bone tissue in the jaw area.

Unfortunately, bone loss is common after tooth loss. Bone tissue that is no longer supporting teeth is naturally reabsorbed by the body. Dental implants cannot be placed if there is insufficient bone to support them. The skilled dentist at our office in Grand Forks can determine if dental implants are an option for you.

Benefits of Dental Implants

There are many amazing benefits to restoring beauty and function to your smile with dental implants. In addition to filling in the gaps caused by tooth loss, dental implants also reduce or reverse many of the unwanted side effects tooth loss causes. Dental implants even prevent the body from reabsorbing bone tissue. The benefits of dental implants include:

  • Durable, secure and long lasting
  • Replace missing or extracted teeth
  • Restore biting and chewing functions
  • Prevent teeth from shifting out of place
  • Versatile and can replace a single tooth or several teeth
  • Reduce strain on teeth that were compensating for missing ones
  • Reduce facial sagging or drooping due to tooth loss
  • Improve speech affected by gaps where teeth were missing
  • Preserve bone tissue by preventing the body from reabsorbing it

Dental implants deliver many benefits, not the least of which is restoring beauty and function to your smile. Schedule a consultation with Dr. Erlandson to find out if you are a candidate for dental implants by calling our office in Grand Forks, ND, at (701) 772-6581.